Welcome. Acupuncture restores energy, relieves pain, reduces stress and restores a sense of wellness and hope. My goal is to nourish your natural energy and balance underlying causes by focusing on your personal history and present challenges. Treatments relieve chronic and acute pain and injury, long-standing health concerns, emotional distress, fertility challenges, and day to day demands. Please contact me at (503) 417-7884 or ruth.oclander@gmail.com with any questions. 
Positive Discipline

​I have been teaching yoga since 2009. Yoga allows me to work on a deeper therapeutic level and offer insights and stretches that enhance the results of acupuncture treatments. I currently teach Zoom yoga class Mondays at 5p.

acupuncture with care
917 SW Oak Street, Ste 214, Portland, OR 97227

Ruth Oclander Acupuncture

for your well-being

Positive Discipline is a parenting style that uses in kindness and firmness at the same time to develop mutual respect and a sense of significance and belonging in children. I love to share the joys (challenges) of raising our kids. Ask me about private parenting sessions.

What is the name of the deep breath I would take over and over for all of us? Call it whatever you want, it is happiness, it is another one of the ways to enter fire. Mary Oliver 'Sunshine'


Would you like to schedule an appointment?

Please text me @ (503) 417-7884

or email ruth.oclander@gmail.com